“If you, like me, picture God in lots of different ways, or if sometimes God seems easy to speak about, and on some days you have no words for God, and sometimes you feel that there are too many words for God, so many that the abundance stumps you—if that is the case, then you are pretty much right in line with how the Bible invites us to imagine God: in some very singular ways; in dizzyingly hundreds of ways; sometimes, in no way at all.” —Lauren F. Winner
Most Christians are intimately familiar with a few basic metaphors the Bible uses to depict God: King, Shepherd, Physician, Judge. Lauren F. Winner sees the value in these metaphors, but while studying the Bible she discovered hundreds of other metaphors which are often overlooked—metaphors which can make us more aware of God’s presence in our daily lives. Discovering new ways to think about God helped her recover from an apparent spiritual dry spell. Winner explains some of her favorite discoveries in the book
Wearing God: Clothing, Laughter, Fire, and Other Overlooked Ways of Meeting God. She writes, “I hope the book will help you sit down with God in a place the two of you have never visited before” (23-24).
Winner’s writing has been praised as wise and lyrical, winsome and erudite. Her books are informed by uncertainty and infused with faith. In this episode, Winner discusses a few fresh ways believers can imagine God by making use of biblical imagery.
About Lauren F. Winner
Lauren F. Winner is an assistant professor of Christian Spirituality at Duke Divinity School in Durham, North Carolina and an Episcopal priest. Her other books include
Girl Meets God: On the Path to a Spiritual Life and the award-winning
Still: Notes on a Mid-faith Crisis.
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