MIPodcast—Latter-day Saint scholar Melissa Inouye reflects on her many crossings
This episode features Melissa Inouye, a self-proclaimed “bald Asian American Latter-day Saint woman scholar,” talking all about her “ventures through life, death, cancer and motherhood (not...
View ArticleMIPodcast—‘The Spiritual Practice of Remembering,’ with Margaret Bendroth
Margaret Bendroth has spent a good deal of her life trying to remember the past, and trying to help others remember, too. To Bendroth, memory is more than sentimental and history is more than a list...
View ArticleMIPodcast—Briefly Alma 30–63, with Mark Wrathall
The Book of Mormon prophet Alma was on the wrong path. But much like the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus, Alma experienced a shocking vision that changed everything. His sermons are the product...
View ArticleMIPodcast—China and the True Jesus Church, with Melissa Inouye
In this episode we introduce you to a story about a man who was seeking for the true church of Christ. A man who prayed and then reported miraculous visitations. He recorded revelations about the true...
View ArticleMIPodcast—Robert Alter on translating the Hebrew Bible
It isn’t every day that a scholar publishes a book that changes the entire landscape of a field of study, but that’s exactly what Robert Alter did in 1981 with his book, The Art of biblical Narrative....
View ArticleMIPodcast—Briefly Helaman, with Kimberly Matheson Berkey
Author Kimberly Matheson Berkey says book of Helaman is one of the best-kept secrets in the Book of Mormon. It marks a dramatic reversal in the history of Book of Mormon peoples. The spiritual tables...
View ArticleMIPodcast—The rise and fall of Nauvoo, with Benjamin E. Park
Historian Benjamin E. Park argues that the story of the Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo, Illinois is essential to understanding the bigger story of early American history. Writes Park, “The question...
View ArticleMIPodcast #118—Briefly 3rd and 4th Nephi, with Daniel Becerra
Daniel Becerra joins us to talk about his book 3rd, 4th Nephi: a brief theological introduction. Becerra says these pivotal books, depicting Christ’s visit to ancient peoples on the American...
View ArticleThe end of the world (Latter-day Saint style), with Christopher James Blythe...
Christopher Blythe’s new book focuses on Latter-day Saint views of the end of the world, which might seem like it’s a little on the nose, but here we are! Blythe goes back to the beginning of the...
View Article#120—Briefly Mormon, with Adam Miller and Spencer Fluhman [MIPodcast]
We’re continuing our series talking with authors of the brief theological introductions to the Book of Mormon. Adam Miller is here to talk about his volume on Mormon—a book that he calls “a beginner’s...
View ArticleMIPodcast #121—Briefly Ether, with Rosalynde Welch & James E. Faulconer
Literary scholar Rosalynde Frandsen Welch explores the book of Ether as a sweeping history in which Moroni, absorbed in the past, turns his heart to future readers whose spiritual fate will be at...
View ArticleMIPodcast #122—Briefly Moroni, with David F. Holland & Spencer Fluhman
What a journey it’s been through the Book of Mormon over the past year, and what a year it’s been to take a journey through the Book of Mormon! David F. Holland joins us in this episode to talk about...
View ArticleMIPodcast #123—Pursuing the intellectual life from a place of commitment,...
Dr. Ravi Gupta joins guest host Philip Barlow to talk about faith and scholarship. Dr. Gupta was a visiting scholar at the Maxwell Institute this semester, and a previous guest on the Maxwell...
View ArticleMIPodcast #124—‘Thinking Otherwise,’ with James E. Faulconer and Morgan Davis
James E. Faulconer has spent his career enriching the scripture study of Latter-day Saints, offering powerful tools to improve engagement with the word of God. His latest book continues that project....
View ArticleMIPodcast #125— ‘All Things New,’ with Fiona and Terryl Givens and Spencer...
In the book of Revelation, the Lord sits upon a throne overlooking creation and declares “Behold, I am making all things new.” Authors Fiona and Terryl Givens take up that theme in their latest book—a...
View ArticleMI Podcast #126: Becoming a people of the Books
How did early Latter-day Saints read the Book of Mormon? And how did that book, which the Prophet Joseph Smith called “the most correct of any book on earth” and “the keystone of our religion,” help...
View ArticleAbide #1: Doctrine and Covenants Section 76
On February 16, 1832, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon were working on the Prophet’s “translation” of the Bible. This wasn’t a translation in a linguistic sense, where someone takes a text from one...
View ArticleAbide #2: Doctrine and Covenants 77-80
We will be discussing each week’s block of reading from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ “Come, Follow Me” curriculum. We aren’t here to present a lesson, but rather to hit on a few...
View ArticleAbide #3: Doctrine and Covenants 81-83
We will be discussing each week’s block of reading from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ “Come, Follow Me” curriculum. We aren’t here to present a lesson, but rather to hit on a few...
View ArticleAbide #4: Doctrine and Covenants 84
We will be discussing each week’s block of reading from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ “Come, Follow Me” curriculum. We aren’t here to present a lesson, but rather to hit on a few...
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