#74—Feeding the Flock, with Terryl L. Givens [MIPodcast]
Latter-day Saint scholar Terryl L. Givens is back with us again. Dr. Givens spent the summer here at the Institute as a Neal A. Maxwell fellow. It was a real treat to have Terryl here in the building,...
View ArticleLearn more about the Old Testament on the Maxwell Institute Podcast
As the LDS Sunday school curriculum turns to focus on the Old Testament this year, supplement your learning with these Maxwell Institute Podcast episodes featuring Hebrew Bible specialists. Taken...
View Article#75—“To be learned is good,” with Richard Bushman [MIPodcast]
Our 75th Episode! The Book of Mormon warns against mistaking intelligence for wisdom, but adds a crucial caveat: “to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God” (2 Nephi 9:29). Where...
View Article#76—Adam Miller on more Letters to a Young Mormon [MIPodcast]
Adam Miller wrote Letters to a Young Mormon for thoughtful people yearning for a more thoughtful faith. It’s a little book, but it packs a powerful punch. In this episode, Miller is talks about the new...
View Article#77—Billy Graham and the shaping of a nation, with Grant Wacker [MIPodcast]
The Reverend Billy Graham rose to international prominence in the 1940s preaching an evangelical Christian gospel. Hailing from North Carolina, the charismatic preacher filled stadiums, counseled...
View Article#78—The development of LDS liturgy and cosmology, with Jonathan Stapley...
Latter-day Saint historians have long demonstrated that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was not established all at once, but that it has unfolded—line upon line, precept upon precept,...
View Article#79—Milton and early Mormonism, with John Rogers [MIPodcast]
Americans in the early nineteenth century loved the writing of John Milton. Milton’s embrace of liberal individualism, meritocracy, and his championing of the right to free speech made him an easy sell...
View ArticleMIConversations #1—George Handley and Terryl Givens, “Can creation heal us?”
Maxwell Institute Conversations are special videocast episodes of the Maxwell Institute Podcast, hosted by Terryl Givens and created in collaboration with Faith Matters Foundation. You can watch this...
View Article#80—Robert Orsi on History and Presence [MIPodcast]
How can scholars of religion explain religious faith without explaining it away? Over the centuries many scholars have come to discuss religion as a purely human phenomenon, leaving no room for...
View ArticleMIConversations #2—Steven Peck and Terryl Givens, “The God Who Marvels”
Maxwell Institute Conversations are special videocast episodes of the Maxwell Institute Podcast, hosted by Terryl Givens and created in collaboration with Faith Matters Foundation. In this episode...
View Article#81—Forgiveness, with Mpho Tutu van Furth [MIPodcast]
On the surface, forgiveness seems like such a simple concept but it can be one of the most difficult things we ever do. Maybe someone in your life has hurt you and you’ve never been able to forgive...
View ArticleMIConversations #3—Kate Holbrook with Terryl Givens, “Extraordinary Women in...
Maxwell Institute Conversations are special videocast episodes of the Maxwell Institute Podcast, hosted by Terryl Givens and created in collaboration with Faith Matters Foundation. In this episode...
View Article#82—Christianity and American politics, with Matthew Bowman [MIPodcast]
What comes to mind when you hear the term “American Christians”? Most people today think of the so-called Religious Right, a loosely knit group of conservative Christians who oppose legal abortion,...
View ArticleMIConversations #4—Thomas F. Rogers with Terryl Givens, “Risk-taking...
Maxwell Institute Conversations are special videocast episodes of the Maxwell Institute Podcast, hosted by Terryl Givens and created in collaboration with Faith Matters Foundation. In this episode...
View Article#83—What made Americans American, with Benjamin Park [MIPodcast]
When thirteen colonies declared their independence from the British government in 1776 they had no clear vision about what they would do once the apparent shackles of the British monarchy were...
View ArticleMIConversations #5—Brian Kershisnik with Terryl Givens, “Surprising angels”
Maxwell Institute Conversations are special videocast episodes of the Maxwell Institute Podcast, hosted by Terryl Givens and created in collaboration with Faith Matters Foundation. In this episode...
View Article#84—The making of Jane and Emma, with Chantelle Squires and Melissa Leilani...
Jane and Emma is a new film based on the historical relationship of Jane Manning—one of the few black converts to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during its infancy—and Emma Smith, who...
View Article#85—Race and the Making of the Mormon People, with Max Mueller [MIPodcast]
This year marks forty years since The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began, once again, to ordain black members of African descent to its priesthood. Forty years since the church began...
View Article#86—Danes, Lutherans, and Latter-day Saints, with Julie K. Allen [MIPodcast]
The religious marketplace in Denmark was thrown wide open in 1849 when the country ratified its first democratic constitution. After nearly a thousand years of state control, the people were guaranteed...
View ArticleMIPodcast #92—Joseph Smith’s Egyptian papers, with Robin Jensen & Brian Hauglid
Joseph Smith left a lot of documents behind when he died in 1844, from the mundane to the intriguing. Some of the more puzzling documents deal with a book of scripture in the Latter-day Saint canon...
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