#37—Climate change and Christianity, with Willis Jenkins [MIPodcast]
Please take a brief survey about the MIPodcast at bit.ly/mipodcastsurvey. Willis Jenkins wanted to inspire Christians to exercise faith in God as well as in contemporary science—science which suggests...
View Article#38—N.T. Wright on Paul and His Recent Interpreters [MIPodcast]
Please take a brief survey about the MIPodcast here. When N.T. Wright was composing a massive 1600+ page treatment of Paul he wanted to begin with an overview of how scholars have interpreted the...
View Article#39—The seven last words of Jesus, with James Martin, SJ [MIPodcast]
The New Testament records seven phrases Jesus uttered as he hung on the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” (Luke 23.34) “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in...
View Article#40—The First Fifty Years of Relief Society, with Jill Mulvay Derr, Kate...
The Church Historian’s Press just released a landmark book of documents all about the Relief Society, the women’s organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was organized in...
View Article#41—The First Fifty Years of Relief Society, with Jill Mulvay Derr, Kate...
In the last episode we heard from three editors of a new book of Relief Society documents published by the LDS Church. Jill Mulvay Derr, Kate Holbrook, and Matt Grow talked about the origins of the...
View ArticleSomething to ponder on Good Friday (MIPodcast Moments)
For those who don’t have time to listen to hour-long episodes of the Maxwell Institute Podcast we bring you “MIPodcast Moments”—transcribed excerpts of interesting extracts for your quick...
View Article#42—The rabbis and the rain, with Julia Watts Belser [MIPodcast]
In the land of Israel, rain falls during a single, crucial, season of the year beginning in October or November and continuing through the spring. Lives depended on successful harvests which depended...
View Article#43—The life of C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity, with George Marsden [MIPodcast]
C. S. Lewis C. S. Lewis died in 1963 on the same day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Before the decade was over, few expected his works to last. “We think Lewis’ star has risen and is about to set,”...
View ArticleRabbis who taught “you can’t actually judge by looking” (MIPodcast Moments)
For those who don’t have time to listen to hour-long episodes of the Maxwell Institute Podcast we bring you “MIPodcast Moments”—transcribed excerpts of interesting extracts for your quick...
View Article#44—Kate Bowler’s history of the prosperity gospel movement [MIPodcast]
Even if you’ve never heard of a Christian movement scholars call “the prosperity gospel,” chances are you know some of its most famous proponents, like Joel Osteen or Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. “The...
View Article#45— How (Not) to Be Secular, with James K. A. Smith [MIPodcast]
Why was it virtually impossible not to believe in God in, say, 1500 in our Western society, while in 2016 many people find it more difficult to believe than not? This is the question that Charles...
View Article#46—Marilynne Robinson on The Givenness of Things [MIPodcast]
The New York Times Review of Books says Marilynne Robinson “is not like any other writer. She has created a small, rich, and fearless body of work in which religion exists unashamedly, as does doubt,...
View Article#47—The spiritual lives of America’s “Nones,” with Elizabeth Drescher...
If you surveyed Americans, asking them to identify themselves as: A) Catholic B) Muslim C) Evangelical D) Mormon …and so on, an increasing number will select the very last option—none of the above....
View Article#48—(Almost) all about African American religious history, with Julius H....
What do you know about African American religious history? Julius H. Bailey joins us in this episode to talk about his new overview, Down in the Valley: An Introduction to African American History....
View Article“How can I be Christian if it doesn’t have any impact on what’s going to...
An excerpt from the full transcript of Julius H. Bailey’s MIPodcast interview, available to read HERE, or to listen to HERE. BLAIR HODGES: That takes us to the topic of black theology. In your book...
View Article#49—The unexpected life of Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion,...
When the Protestant Reformer John Calvin published his book Institutes of the Christian Religion in the 1500s, he couldn’t have anticipated the incredibly different purposes his book would come to...
View Article#50—The Summer Seminar on Mormon Culture, 2015 [MIPodcast]
In some ways it’s been a lonelier than usual summer at the Maxwell Institute. Since it was founded in 2006 we’ve had the privilege of hosting the Summer Seminar on Mormon Culture, a remarkable research...
View Article#51— The Work of the Dead, with Thomas W. Laqueur [MIPodcast]
What good is a dead body? How have humans cared for dead bodies through the ages and why do we do it? What do dead bodies tell us about the things we value most and about the things we’re afraid of?...
View Article#52—Reconceiving infertility in the Bible, with Candida Moss and Joel Baden...
“Be fruitful and multiply.” According to the book of Genesis, these are the first words God speaks to humanity. People have understood these words over the centuries as a commandment to procreate, and...
View Article#53—James L. Kugel on how to read the Bible [MIPodcast]
James L. Kugel is one of the foremost scholars of the Hebrew Bible of our time. Kugel recently visited BYU’s Neal A. Maxwell Institute to talk about his work and about the relationship between...
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